Anti – Ragging Committee:
Sr. No | Name of the Person | Designation | Contact No |
1 | Dr. Sanjay S. Choudhary | Principal | 9822623274 |
2 | Mrs. Shamal S. Choudhary | Nodal Officer | 9763729152 |
3 | Ms. Tejaswi Y. Fadale | Member | 9975836782 |
4 | Mrs. Pallavi D. Gupte | Member | 9763034770 |
Women Redressal Committee:
Sr. No | Name of the Person | Designation |
01 | Dr. Sanjay S. Choudhary | Principal & Chairman |
02 | Mrs. Shamal S. Choudhary | Head, Discipline Committee |
03 | Mrs. Yamuna S. Yarolkar | Female Representative |
04 | Mr. Ashish P. Kajale | One Lower nominated by Principal |
Student Grievance Committee:
Sr. No | Name of the Person | Designation |
01 | Mrs. Shamal S. Choudhary | IQAC Coordinator |
02 | Mrs. Shamal S. Choudhary | Head, Discipline Committee |
03 | Mrs. Yamuna S. Yarolkar | Female Representative |
04 | Mr. Sunil S. Shewale | Admin Representative |
05 | Mr. Aniket H. Gaikwad | Librarian Representative |
06 | Mr. Rakesh J. Gadave | Students Representative |